Threshold Radio presents Part II of a series of shows called, “Who’s Minding the Planet?” featuring the insightful and creative composer, musician, songwriter, Zave Nathan, and his wife, Bonnie Blazak who collaborates as a highly talented lyricist on his songs. This is a hard-hitting program, dealing with questioning the painful way circumstances on this planet are being handled, beginning with a lucid description of Zave and Bonnie’s awakening and their search for survival in this maze of difficulties facing persons who value their freedom as artists who consider themselves part of the whole human family in crisis. In this discussion, we address the possibility of a global agenda in various levels- population control, weather wars, controlling consumerism and electioneering through television, the poisoning of our water supply, our air and

To listen to our shows live, visit www.ThresholdRadio.Com and SUBSCRIBE to Threshold Radio YouTube Channel. Threshold Radio is produced by New Galaxy Enterprises ( a media company specializing in content development, promotion and creative marketing. If you have a media dream, New Galaxy Enterprises will assist you in helping you manifest your dream as a dazzling, media reality. New Galaxy offers both client based and active investor/collaboration options. New Galaxy is founded and directed by Johnny Blue Star, producer and host of Threshold Radio. . To learn more about New Galaxy and see some New Galaxy Projects, visit


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