Lenore Engelhardt, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers deals with many core psychological issues in her practice, including depression, anxiety, codependency and relationship, often specializing with clients having recovery issues. In this program, we will look at various types of addiction, including drug, alcohol, tobacco and food, which are often attempts to fill an emptiness which unfortunately can lead to the destruction of everything that a person might value- including friends, family, employment, health and even life itself.  Another addictive side issue is the co-dependent helper of the addicted personality who often tends to cleave to this personality after one or another relationship fails.

 This program also deals with the number one addiction in the United States, the food addiction to processed and sugar-laden foods with has led to obesity, diabetes, numerous allergies and so many other conditions.  Lenore is a thoughtful and experienced recovery expert and it might be helpful to share this program with those who need it.

 Atlanta Counseling Center for Empowerment & Change
1803 Streamview DR SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30316

 Visit Lenore’s Website: http://psychotherapywithlenore.com/

 To Schedule an Office Visit or Skype Video Sessions:
+1 404 212 0792

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