Wayne Dyer Discussion Group Link: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/6782090

Stephanie Slevin, UK Singer/Songwriter, and a frequent guest performer on Threshold Radio, joins Johnny Blue Star, host of Threshold Radio, in a two-part discussion of Wayne Dyer’s Power of Intention, based on his book and YouTube Video. If one reviews the work of Wayne Dyer, there is a continual spiritual evolution in his personal philosophy and spiritual teaching with each step moving forward somehow connected to the preceding one. This program and its subsequent related program deals with the connection between Manifestation of One’s True Desires and the Source of All Things, sometimes referred to as the Source of the Divine Presence, a sacred thread connecting all spiritual teachings. In this program, Stephanie, whose inspiration has consciously been from Source for the entirety of her career, sings “I Talk with Angels” and “Gifted,” a song inspired by the great blues artist, Robert Johnson.


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