“Evolution of a Singer” chronicles the extraordinary career and musical contributions of Patricia Welch. Beginning with a discussion of the Star Spangled Banner, which she sang for both President Clinton and President Ford (as well as in Dodger Stadium), Johnny Blue Star and Patricia Welch discuss the sacred foundations of America based on the vision of our founding fathers. Patricia’s life was based on a desire to express herself in song, but also a desire to serve. Magical moments of contact spurred her onto a Broadway career, brought her to work with Yul Brynner, performing over 2000 shows in last Broadway
revival of the King and I, working with the amazing singer and producer, Grant Griffin, in his “Magical Night of Music” in the New Orleans Hotel/Casino, touring with Robert Goulet in “The Man and His Music” and being a featured soloist on Wayne Newton’s show. She discusses and presents songs from her new CD and segments of songs from Hadleigh’s Castle, which features the lyrics of Johnny Blue Star and the music of Edgar Arens. As in all of her life, this collaboration was the result of a magical, almost impossible, connection. It is a richly musical, dramatic program.

To listen to our shows live, visit www.ThresholdRadio.Com and Subscribe to Threshold Radio YouTube Channel. Threshold Radio is produced by New Galaxy Enterprises (www.newgalaxyenterprises.com) a media company specializing in content development, promotion and creative marketing. If you have a media dream, New Galaxy Enterprises will assist you in helping you manifest your dream as a dazzling, media reality. New Galaxy offers both client based and active investor/collaboration options. New Galaxy is founded and directed by Johnny Blue Star, producer and host of Threshold Radio. To learn more about New Galaxy and see some New Galaxy Projects, visit www.NewGalaxyEnterprises.com.


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