In this show, Don Newsom and I discuss new ideas for taking care of border problems. Having faced the multiple tragedies and degradation following the zero tolerance policy which led to family separation for hundreds of parents and children who had crossed the border illegally, the challenge was to try and find a way of handling border problems differently. And since the border problems have reached a crisis point for many nations, we decided to think of ways that the entire international community could participate in a generous and graceful solution to this mammoth problem. While protecting the borders of sovereign nations, is there a way to deal with grievous problems that lead asylum seekers and others to penetrate borders illegally? Although we came up to the idea independently, there was one element in the European Migration settlement that we had thought of and had been acted on several years ago by the EU. It was to move migrants to countries that had space for them that were not on the contiguous borders which migrants had attempted to cross. But since driving impoverished and desperate people to a different place often results in very unpleasant refugee centers, we tried to think of a more prosperous win-win situation for both refugees and their ultimate destination. We called where we were sending them to a “border empowerment community” which we discuss in this podcast along with “cooperative trade zones,” which entails a different type of paradigm for engaging with trade, with a philosophy compatible with border empowerment communities.

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