This program is devoted to the problem of hearing loss. In a discussion with Doctor Rodier, Teresa Barnes describes her efforts to publicly remedy the lack of adequate treatment of the hearing impaired, a condition which she has had since birth. With one out of five Americans suffering from some type of hearing loss, there is no doubt that this problem needs to be addressed better than before. The fact is that most Americans don’t realize how widespread hearing impairment is- and, every day, customers are not handled properly, often because storeowners and other professionals don’t even realize the cause of lack of communication. Further, employees cannot often be easily recognized for their hearing loss and they are judged as poor performers or bad communicators. Teresa Barnes, author and hearing loss advocate, has developed a business called HearCommunication, precisely to address this problem. Discovering that hundreds of years ago that the Olmec culture actually had a way to communicate to others that a person was hearing impaired, she devised a logo to deal with the problem of identifying persons with hearing loss. It is important to note that problems with people who are actually deaf are already substantially addressed but hearing loss, from mild to serious, has not been dealt with in the same organized way. Teresa is trying her best to address that issue. HearCommunication, a for-profit business, which was established to avoid the difficult hunt for grants that organizations in this field are generally left to do, has developed a training and certification program for businesses interested in properly serving the hearing impaired. In this program, she also discusses at length her recommendations for avoiding certain auto-toxins present in drugs and supplements to enhance hearing and prevent further hearing loss. There are now various months that are points of emphasis for those interested in treating the hearing impaired. July is Hearing Friendly Business Month; October is Protect Your Hearing Month and May is Better Hearing and Speech Month. Film scripts, audio and video ads and editing web content, web design, articles, press releases, social media profiles Archives for Inalienable and Free, Threshold Radio, Integrative Hermetic Health Show Archives for Integrative Hermetic Health: Podcasts on iTunes: ¬Subscribe to Threshold Radio on YouTube:
Johnny Blue Star, , Integrative Hermetic Health, Auto-toxins that create Hearing Loss, Employee Performance, HearCommunication, Hearing Loss Certification for Business, Hearing Loss Logo, Hearing Loss Training for Business, Olmec Culture, Supplements that aid Healing, Teresa Barnes RN, 0