Johnny Blue Star begins the program by explaining the spiritual mission of Threshold Radio vis-à-vis political commentary. Is the media really being fair to the President because he did not initially condemn the hatemongers in the Charlottesville protests? But even so, hasn’t the President revealed his bias against minorities in the deportation and travel ban scenarios? And, further, hasn’t he jeopardized the security of his own base by offering jobs without adequately protecting them once they obtain their jobs. Trump seems to be against lifting minimum wages, preserving reasonable regulations regarding financing and the environment, restoring the citizen rights challenged by the last two administrations, being responsive to minority and court problems with the direction of his administration.

Can we really love our opponent in the midst of serious conflict, especially when lives and lifestyle are at risk as in the case of war- and, in particular, the possible nuclear confrontation with North Korea? Johnny and Dr. Hugo Rodier, MD. discuss the “fire and fury,” fear-invoking rhetoric used to address the North Koreans which has had a wide impact on many countries around the world with the reasonable inference that Trump was talking about a nuclear strike.

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