Yeliz Ruzgar, an inspired Coach, Speaker and Spiritual Seeker is back on our show for her second interview. Born in Turkey, she spent considerable time in California for the purpose of receiving higher education but also to clarify her understanding of spirituality both for herself and as a way of helping others. Currently she lives in Turkey and works in the Middle East. We are fortunate that the magic of the Internet brings her here to discuss questions that have a universal and global significance. The real power comes from our heart. When we transform our egos into spirit, our lives become to live heightend purpose. How can you find your life purpose? What does it mean to be true to yourself? Knowing your values, knowing who you are, the good side and the bad sides. Once we master ourselves and we are true to our life’s calling, life begins to flow. It determine the maturity of your consciousness to understand what the meaning is. Everything you see is a representative of what you have within. We do have a determined life purpose. The higher our level of consciousness, the more clearly understand the purest sense of meaning to the events that transpire in our life. Jacob’s ladder- angels go up and down from the level. Which angels go up and which go down? Every moment, you are determining if you are going up and if you are going down. In order to deal with what appears to be negative events, shift your questions about what happened to you. When you have negative thoughts and these are followed by negative words, you are releasing negativity to the world.

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