In this program, we remind our audience that the purpose of the Coalition for Planetary Empowerment is create new paradigms for government based on a cooperative sharing of power between local, state (or province), country and planetary in, logical interests. This is a response to commentary by Ryan Cristián.
of the Last American Vagabond who suggested that the world be open to new paradigms, mentioning abstractly anarchy as an example of a different paradigm- as a matter of discussion-without any advocacy for the doctrine. In this light, we discuss the spiritual foundations for human and citizen rights, the seeds of which exist in the American Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

In keeping with the search for new paradigms, we present the view of Representative Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii who discusses US involvement with the Saudi role in Yemen, which is generating the worst humanitarian crises in modern history. We follow through with a discussion by Ryan and Jimmy Dore and our commentary on the military budget.

We then progress to recent events, citing Trump’s re-orchestration of the warning against the Syrian government about another chemical attack- with our own reservation that the last alleged chemical attacks have been question whether they were, in fact, actual attacks or staged events. We then present information about a video that allege to show that the staging of a false chemical attack has already been initiated and is waiting for release. Obviously, the reality of this tape is also open to scrutiny and does not, in itself, prove that any such attack was staged.

We then go into subsequent events in Syria- involving the downing of a Russian plane and the death of its crew by Syrian anti-aircraft defenses, the cause of which Russia attributes to Israeli jets using the Russian plane as cover for their attack. The Russians are now committed to assisting their resistance to such attacks by arming the Syrians with more powerful defensive equipment.

To hear a live broadcast of Inalienable and Free, go to Station 1 at 9:00 A.M. Pacific every Thursday. To listen to the archives of our previous shows, go to

If you believe that to live in a planet of prosperity and peace for all demands the recognition of the equality of all men and women of this planet and an understanding of their inalienable rights, then support the Coalition for Planetary Empowerment:
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