Patty Greer was featured on Threshold Radio’s Premier Show. She is a filmmaker and a singer/songwriter/composer/musician. Fundamentally, her career is now focused on a comprehensive, but highly personal, investigation of Crop Circles, a career which involves a great deal of travel and investment in a mysterious and challenging subject. Patty has put her full heart and consciousness into this investigation, which she has chronicled in the following films: The Shift Has Hit the Fan, Part I and Part II, Crop Circle Update, the Wake Up Call. 2012. To buy these films to stream or in DVD form, go to We’re Already In It, Four Stories- One Event- Other Words. In this 2-hour interview, Patty describes her early work in the music industry as we broadcast a number of her wonderful songs like Autumn Glow, Are You the One and We Want Our Planet Back. Visit many more of her songs on YouTube.

For more information, visit www.ThresholdRadio.Com and tune in to Threshold Radio YouTube Channel. Threshold Radio is produced by New Galaxy Enterprises ( a media company specializing in content development, promotion and creative marketing. If you have a media dream, New Galaxy Enterprises will assist you in helping you manifest your dream as a dazzling, media reality. New Galaxy offers both client based and active investor/collaboration options.  New Galaxy is founded and directed by Johnny Blue Star, producer and host of Threshold Radio.    To learn more about New Galaxy and see some New Galaxy Projects, visit


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