This video marks the resurrection of Threshold Podcast, which now includes Johnny Blue Star and Stephanie Slevin as co-hosts. Johnny and Stephanie have worked together for many years and have written many songs together. Although their backgrounds are very different, they have found a great many similarities in their interests and finally decided to explore reality on Threshold Radio. In this podcast, Stephanie, whose inner life is unusual and simply astounding, has lived in this world and other realms outside or related to this world, in live visions, in dreams, and in two near-death experiences. As a songwriter, she has been unbelievably prolific- and as she explains a bit here and will explain in later broadcasts, much of what she has gotten as a songwriter has been derived from the very continuous and often unrelenting contact she has from other realms. These experiences, not often pleasant, still come to someone thoroughly attuned to goodness and the continual, expanding search for Truth.

Johnny originally created Threshold Radio to encourage and empower people to cross the Threshold and connect with the Higher Power. This can happen in many different ways and while there may be methodologies involved, there are often wonderful spontaneous experiences that can open these doors. Since he started Threshold, he has followed the golden thread of certain experiences which has convinced him that beyond the physical universe, there is a wondrous and beneficial intelligence that can help us traverse life better if we have this connection.

Although they have been working on songs together for many years, their first song to be distributed internationally is called Bridge of Light. and is available here: You can hear the whole song on Pandara. If you aren’t a member yet, by clicking on the link you can join Pandera for free just by registering.

Naturally, we would love it if you would share this podcast with your friends. And your thoughts and comments are appreciated.

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