Hugo Rodier, M.D. makes another appearance on Threshold Radio, this type focusing on one of the major sources of his spirituality and inspiration, the Masonic Teachings. After years of spiritual searching and deep research, Dr. Rodier at last found a teaching which satisfied his continuing, relentless search for life’s meaning and purpose. In this interview, he helps untangle some of the myths and conspiracy theories surrounding the Masons and attempts to shed light on the Essence of True Masonry. Time is spent discussing the contribution that the Masons have made to the American Revolution and democratic movements throughout the world- as well as the foundation for understanding the purpose of Masonic rituals and symbols and the importance of having fellowship with brother Masons on different levels of understanding and approaches to their membership.

As mentioned in this show and in Dr. Rodier’s books, blogs and podcasts (he has his own podcasting show), Dr. Rodier believes that modern medical research is now uncovering connections between the quantum level explored in physics and cellular metabolism, which is fed by the twin components of light and information, an insight directly connected to the findings and teachings of ancient hermetic science. Good nutrition empowers cellular metabolism, but poor nutrition disempowers cell functions, promoting often deadly metabolic disorders.

Dr. Rodier is an integrative physician practicing out of the Integrative Health Clinic in Sandy Utah.Visit Dr. Rodier’s website at to find out more about his services and products.

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