Trump has been taken to task for his delayed reaction to the Charlottesville incident. He has lost the support of his business associates and three business advisory panels representing some of the major heads of business in this country have disappeared, some of whom exited  even after his formal condemnation (three days later than the incident).

In this program, Rod and I attempt to envision a President transformed by his many disappointments with Congress and the furthering of his campaign promises- to someone looking for fresh answers, even in the spiritual realm. When the new head of his autism committee was asked what he saw for Trump in the future he said something like, “He can do anything he wants.” Yes, Trump is there- and he could make major changes.

We believe that these changes could go in the direction of truly helping his base and the rest of the country, by rethinking his commitment to Americans in general and truly draining the swamp- in a righteous way- not one that penalizes the poor and disenfranchised, restoring our true liberties, rethinking many of his current war strategies and tempering his approach to those who oppose him. We think that Trump is not necessarily lacking the “empathy gene” as one CNN contributor claims, but has, as everyone does, the possibility for true transformation. He has the mind, the possible spirituality and a latent appetite for true goodness- if he would step out of ego and into the domain of spirit. We speak here in the sense of transformation by communion with that Higher Power, which George Washington referred to as the Great Architect of the Universe.

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