It is surprising that, in a recent poll by Medscape, it was discovered that a majority of physicians, nurses and health administrators favor Medicare for All. In our first program, we had discussed some of the problems with the current system and how it needed to be reformed. These are not only important issues in themselves, but a reform of the healthcare system in the United States would radically reduce the cost of health care. Dr. Rodier cites various articles- like those in the Business Week and the Journal of Science that seek to substantiate that the majority of medical activities- perhaps even as much as 80% are profit-driven and not health driven. Of course, a percentage even close to that represents billions of dollars of wasted capital.

Reforming the health system means not relying on the toxic pharmaceuticals that do not cure anything, but rather mask symptoms; the over-use of specialists in the medical field; unneeded surgical operations; the lack of true preventive and curative knowledge based on nutrition; the degradation in the environment that has led to the destruction of air, water and soil which has a direct impact on our health; untested GMOs being added to the food supply; eliminating the revolving door between FDA professionals and the pharmaceutical companies, dealing with government depression of possibly useful health solutions. The fact is that the overhaul of the health system could be of much greater effort, size and consequence than the acceptance of Medicare for All- with much better effects on the actual health of citizens in the United States.

Although this may be true, how do we get people to fix it if they don’t even understand the basic implications of the problem. Doctor Rodier recommends a slow, but steady effort, to ignite a grassroots program, citing the instance where he sought to eliminate the extremely toxic air in Salt Lake City. The bottom was that neither he nor a very widely publicized advocate could effect change until a mother’s group for clean air took their grassroots activism to the forefront and their voice was then finally heard, resulting in the government of Utah funding a program for clean air.

In this program, we look at some of the differences between the original Medicare for All Program presented to the Senate by Bernie Sanders and the one presented in the House by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) and Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) The new bill has a proposed two year turn-around time in contrast to Sander’s four year. The House Bill demands direct price negotations with Drug Companies as well as long-term care. Bottom line- no matter which bill is chosen- are the current Medicare for All proposals enough to improve the health of the American people.

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