In this show, Hugo Rodier, M.D., an integrative physician with a deep concern about the availability of productive, truly curative healing modalities, discusses the philosophy of this new paradigm of medical science, integrative medicine. Dr. Rodier takes to heart the counsel of both Hippocrates, truly the father of medicine for thousands of years and Doctor William Osler, often called the Father of Modern Medicine. Dr. Rodier reminds us that Hippocrates said, “Food is Medicine,” an understanding that William Osler most undoubtedly grasped. Dr. Osler enjoined the medical world that a great doctor focuses on healing the patient and not just focusing on the symptoms of a specific condition.

To assist in this process, inspired by a recent bestseller, How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci- Seven Steps to Genius Every Day by author, Michael J. Gelb, Dr. Rodier advises his listeners to think creatively in the manner of the multi-faceted genius. Further, Dr. Rodier discusses the role of polarized thinking, as it applies to integrative medicine, the general medicine field and the core aspects of human consciousness- with a wide application to everything human beings do and think about. To this end, he advises our listeners to how to choose health care in a beneficial way, apart from the medical and health disinformation that abounds in the high dollar world of conventional medicine and the commercial pharmaceutical world. Dr. Rodier continually keeps in touch with many new medical findings, which he recounts in his monthly review of contemporary medical journal articles. Find out about these blogs- and many others- by visiting his website at Dr. Rodier is available at his office, but also can do phone consultations, if needed and useful.

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