This show is the first of two interviews with a lady named Angie F.A.T.E., whose job for the last sixteen years has been to help families heal broken homes. Angie was born in Oakland but raised by parents of Mexican extraction. Her early life was beyond difficult, as described in this interview. In fact, her memory of childhood is still blocked, probably owing to trauma. So, she grew up in California and essentially became a troubled youth. The kind of discipline needed to form a healthy, psychological adult is typically not continual physical punishment. It is, in fact, a recipe for a troubled adolescent, whose daily life was now fighting with others outside her family.

Angie explains how her military experience trained her and disciplined her in many ways, but having several children, the lengths she had to go to join the military – separated them from her legally as well as physically- and she had to go through much frustration and consternation to get them back.

But now having some measure of understanding of the real world and what it would take to make things work financially, she began to undertake an education in Criminal Justice with the hope of becoming part of law enforcement and going after the drug cartels that were destroying so many people’s lives.

But it was at the point where she had only a few classes left before obtaining her Bachelor’s, when something very unusual happened. This is the major point of this interview, which is called a Calling and a Promise. It demonstrates something of the nature when a career presents itself not simply as a job or business, but as a Calling…

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