On Higher Ground: Ambassadors of Change and Transformation is a new program in the New Galaxy Broadcasting line-up. Kristin Petrucci joins us in one of our first interviews for this program. Kristin is a transformative speaker and corporate mindfulness coach, who offers special programs to individuals and groups, including ones utilizing positive psychology.

I first met Kristin at business event in which Kristin spoke, which I thought would be a kind of success-oriented motivational speech which I was somewhat interested in. But when her presentation began, she spoke about her interest in transformative processes was initiated through a powerful, excruciating grand mal seizure that robbed her of much of her memory and almost all of her personal identity. The powerful, merciless seizure began while she was in bed, lying beside her husband, who became utterly traumatized when she stopped breathing for a time- but when recovered- found that his wife did not remember who she was.

Recovery was slow, but then she began to find some tools that helped her. Her future investment in mindfulness, in positive psychology and in personal transformation sparked her to bring herself back to full awareness and opened the door for even greater joy and happiness then before- but also allowed her to help her husband who had developed PTSD symptoms after the devastating incident. He was greatly helped by her efforts. Her account in that presentation is dramatically recapitulated in this program, in which she explains her general efforts in transformative coaching and positive psychology, but also explains her special interest in helping men, as she did with her husband. Men, unlike women, are more likely to escape into more dangerous, sometimes addictive behavior, to mask their trauma.

The various types of transformative processes she found to aid her recovery- including mindfulness, active gratitude and ultimately expanding consciousness are described at length in this podcast. Also, the implications of mindfulness for spiritual as well as personal growth. From my experience, I have found that Kristin is a profound and dynamic motivational speaker. Among her many services, she provides corporate mindfulness team building experiences. Find out more at www.kpspeaks.com

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Archives for Inalienable and Free, Threshold Radio, Integrative Hermetic Health Show http://newgalaxybroadcasting.com/

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