In this second program with Angie F.A.T.E., a woman whose sacred task has been to fix broken families for the last 16 years, Angie reveals her FAMILY BLUEPRINT. To this end, she shares certain elements of the 7C’s she utilizes to provide direction and clarity to the families. In fact, the first C is CLARITY; another is COURAGE. The third is COMMUNICATION… and so forth. These steps are not just words- but represent vital patterns of behavior that have to be reconceptualized and acted on for things to work.

To this end, Angie regards the parent’s co-operation critical to a realistic outcome. She will not even contemplate working with a family whose parents are not willing to take the leadership role that they have destined to have by virtue of having children under their care. When hearing the plan, they often are incredulous- but when they “get” the first C- that of CLARITY, they begin to see the light shining in the darkness. They then begin to build the transformational bonds they need with other members of their family. Still, the first transformational bond they need to build is with themselves. You can’t really help someone else unless you are capable of helping themselves.

In Angie’s protocol, the transformational bonds are not confined to the nuclear family. She cites the now well-known phrase- it takes a village to raise a child. So, the parents, perhaps for the first time, will not have to reach out to their parents, their friends, the children’s teachers- even their business associates- to make the quantum leap they need to reformulate and activate their concept of a family. In fact, one critical component of all this is the inclusion of Angie and her team as part of the family. The goal is to rebuild the family and pass the concept on to the nex generation and the next- one family at a time.

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