In developing this two-part series with Marcus Hart, I was impressed how Marcus’ podcast, Transform U! absolutely fit into the theme of the our program, which was developed to highlight transformative speakers and coaches. And to a major extent, certain podcast hosts are all about the same goal of transformation for their listeners. The main qualification for being a transformative leader is not really any kind of certificate (although some training could be useful in certain cases). Rather it is generally the tough road of overcoming certain very powerful obstacles for personal development. And if anyone had obstacles of this kind, it was definitely Marcus Hart, whose life- from the very beginning when he was born dead and somehow revived, along with his mother, and grew to manhood facing bullying, abuse and family challenges and then was plunged into the inferno of war in the Second Gulf War certainly faced obstacles of great magnitude. After these challenges- upon returning to civilian life, Marcus was neither well physically nor emotionally- dealing with extreme pain from an injury he suffered in his tour of duty, various serious PTSD symptoms, suicidal thoughts and attempts, gambling addiction and incarceration. Despite all this, with some help of friendly mentors who could see beyond his sense of frustration and failure, Marcus managed to pull himself out of this pit of darkness. We present this phase of his life in an interview called “Part I- Rough Journey with a Glimpse of Light.” It will be followed by the equally poignant story of how Marcus changed his life and found true direction in Part 2 called “The Transformative Journey.”

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