Robert Frost is quoted as saying, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” No doubt Frost wrote when poetry, though perhaps somewhat declining in its influence, realized the special power that poetry had in articulating the full meaning of human communication.

In the case of this interview, we can note that Lawrence R. Berger- or as he is sometimes called, “Laughing Larry Berger” has taken poetry so seriously that he has put it in his sales training and other motivational programs, his books and, of course, his poetry readings. In this unusual interview, we meet someone with a huge record of writing, selling and presenting poetry to audiences with an even huger record of participating in an enormous number of sales activities prior to his active mentorship in sales to audiences. But he does many other types of presentations as well, including ways to make money writing on line, self-publishing and traditional publishing seminars- even three cures for the 800 phone syndrome (overcoming blockages in telemarketing.”

Larry is someone who has been a successful oil and gas commodities broker, worked in the field with multi-levels, was marketing director of a literary agency, had a Baskin-Robbins franchise, and author of nine books, a screenwriter and had his own company for his own self-performing arts. He is also the winner of Toastmasters Competent Communicator Award.

His undertaking of so many ambitious and public projects may have been fueled by his realization that it takes tenacity and personal commitment to succeeed. In fact, in his life he has faced death many times through an unfortunate succession of automobile accidents. But in recuperating from an early one, he made the commitment to change his life- and now, after many experiences and a lot of good fortune, he wants to pay it back by focusing on mentoring- but still never giving up his function and his gift of poetry.

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