This is a remarkable interview with Speaker, Coach and ardent Spiritual Seeker, Yeliz Ruzgar. Yeliz was born in Turkey but came to the United States in search of furthering her education. While here, she relates some tremendous obstacles she faced- but, despite illness and financial difficulties, Fate brought her to the doorstep of some deep answers that changed her life. If you believe there is a Spiritual Path- a path to higher reality that brings you closer to the experience of the creator of all things, then this show will give you confirmation of your direction. If not, perhaps Yeliz’s story can guide you on your way to thinking about such an extraordinary reality- and the signs that a seeker may find to point the way for them. Yeliz’s mission, as a Speaker and Coach, is in fact, to help find your true purpose in life. As Rumi says: “Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart…” In her own life, although finally having achieved a job she liked and was situated quite nicely in California, she had a vision that showed that there was an opportunity there in Istanbul which might, in the near future help further the cause of peace. Now sure of what work was in front of her, she moved back to the Middle East. llTo this end- as in all her work, she is trying to help people to understand how to transform themselves from having MeConsciousness to having WeConsciousness. The journey on the way to finding the Spiritual Path and your place in a world of meaning and purpose may be difficult and even treacherous, but people like Yeliz are willing to make the effort- and with their knowledge, the world is richer and the path so much clearer for all of us. In this first interview, Yeliz describes in detail how she found her path, which involves elements of the Kaballah and Sufism- and some amazing coincidences that changed her life… these coincidences were first described in modern terms by the psychiatrist, C. G. Jung. He called these occurences, “synchronicity.” Those embarking on a Spiritual Path come to know this phenomenon quite well. In this regard, Yeliz’ stories are definitely worth listening to.

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