In this program, we explore a variety of issues presented by articles in leading medical journals. It should be noted that Doctor Rodier regularly summarizes something like 50 articles from prestigious journals every month. You can find them on his blog at his website,

Certainly, the status of depression as rapidly accelerating disorder should be of concern to most of our audience. By 2020, it is slated to be the number one disease affecting the most people in the world- and perhaps it is already number one in the United States. There is good news on that front in one of the articles we discuss, as the medical establishment more and more begins to acknowledge that again, food is at least one of the medicines, along with other lifestyle changes, that can alter the picture. Perhaps still too much consideration is given to pharmaceuticals and not enough in a society whose eyes are so often glazed over by their addiction to sugar and sugary products.

We look a bit at the nutritional value of mushrooms and their positive effect on cognitive impairment and briefly explore the role of mushrooms used in consciousness-expanding activities. How should society look at the uses of these types of substances in the general population? However which way this argument can go, there is no doubt that mushrooms, like other beneficial foods, taken together with the right choices and the right portions, can improve the health of every cell in the human body.

We also take a look at the dangers of taking our tea too hot and look at the extreme economic and health benefits described in an article originally appearing in Reuters, which says: “…researchers used computer models to determine that “healthy food prescriptions could prevent as many as 3.28 million cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes, and save as much as $100.2 billion in health care costs.” Indeed, does this apply to the treatment of prostate cancer, as another article suggests.

We also discuss the value and effectiveness of the new labelling of sugary foods by the FDA. Would it have effective that one of our articles suggests-
Preventing nearly one million cases of heart disease and diabetes?

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