Occasionally, Doctor Rodier looks at advertising alleged health products, often pharmaceutical offers. This time we actually look at a pro-biotic product- in other words, a product composed of the microorganisms that are the basic constituents of the microbiome, the collection of good and bad bacteria in the intestine. Looking at this ad, Doctor Rodier finds some very true and some kind of evasive information about the product. Although it looks like the product is geared towards the preservation of the product up to its delivery, it does not clearly reveal the strains of microorganisms used. And in this program, Doctor Rodier goes into the details we need to look out for when using over-the-counter probiotics. One of the most important, growing procedures in microbiome procedures, which new research is helping to accelerate- is intestinal transplants from one microbiome to another and the evaluation of the effect of this through transplants. We discuss one mind-boggling bit of research where gut microbiota from human donors with autistic spectrum to germ-free mice found that colonization with ASD microbiota was sufficient to induce hallmark autistic behaviors.

New research finds that certain gut bacteria housed in supplements is perhaps helpful for people with heart conditions and diabetes. On the other hand, research has also found that certain microrganisms in the gut have interfered with the bioavailability of one drug used to treat Parkinson’s and that impact on bioavailability of drugs with undoubtedly be studied more in the future.

Our program concludes with a prayer for healing by Marianne Williamson, a spiritually-based author and speaker, now running as candidate for President. In terms of our current health care system, Marianne Williamson has hit the mark successfully when she said, in reality, that we have, in this country, a sick-care system.  Although her prayer in our program is for personal physical health, I am sure that we all need to pray for the perfection of the Body Politic sufficiently to transform the medical system in the United States to make an impact that goes beyond the needed affordability changes to those that will bring true research and true curative processes to the very compromised health needs of our country.

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